Understanding The Various Types of Vacuum Trucks

 Running a vacuum truck service can be a lucrative business to begin since these vehicles perform a single task that is applicable in many different settings. They are important for much more than just pumping septic systems, the job for which they are most widely known. The best vacuum truck can cater to many different jobs, keeping fleets on the road and operators working. Before jumping into any new employment, vacuum truck owners should understand the possible options of these vehicles so a proper assessment can be made of what is currently owned or consider buying additional units that are more suited to a particular task. Vacuum trucks

Wet, Dry - or Both

The main difference between vacuum trucks about the jobs that can be done is with the vacuum system. These powerful suction pumps are available in various suctioning strengths that can handle anything from removing liquids and loose debris to bricks, stone, and other heavier material. So the first decision that should be made when considering the purchase of one of these trucks, or determining an existing vehicle's ability to accomplish a particular task, is the strength of the vacuum pumps.

Standard vacuum trucks just used to suction liquid have the pitifullest pumps; when used rightly, they are very efficient in having a job done. On the other hand, high-velocity trucks used in construction and other similar sites for fast clearing of debris, refuse, and heavier solids use the largest hoses and the most massive pumps, making them unsuitable for work with liquids. There are also units that are wet/dry combinations; they may not be able to suction a cinder block in the same way that a larger vehicle could but are much more versatile as they can suction dissolved and smaller solids. Vac Trucks for Sale

Tank Type and Capacity

Standard vacuum trucks used in septic services and other residential and lighter industrial applications typically have tanks that can hold 1,000 gallons. Vehicles used for long distance hauling or collection of other types of material may have larger tanks; as an example, some can hold up to 5,000 gallons or more. Tanks are constructed from a variety of different material including carbon steel, stainless steel, and aluminum, each of which is best used under different circumstances and different situations.

Septic trucks and those used for hauling hazardous material should be bought with stainless steel tanks as these are the most resistant to corrosion. For water carrying, light debris, and non-hazardous jobs, aluminum tanks are lighter and offer better fuel efficiency. Vehicles used in industrial environments to large suction solids need the strength of carbon steel. Wet/dry units that can be used in many different ways are more frequently made with stainless steel as well. Vacuum Trucks for Sale

Truck Size and Capacity

Considering the size and weight of the tank when full and the work environment, there are some different types of truck chassis styles as well. Typical septic trucks for residential, and light industrial use customarily has a standard frame and a dual rear axle; this enables the vehicles to be easily driven on public roads. Vehicles with larger tanks will have more weight when loaded and are frequently built on a chassis with a third axle to handle the extra weight when filled. Many times, this size vehicle is available in a tandem design as well for easier maneuverability when loaded. Cars built for heavier industrial work are usually manufactured on a more heavy-duty chassis that can withstand the rigors of a construction site.

With such different options available, it can hopefully be seen that some vacuum trucks are suitable for multiple jobs, others are not. Depending on the line of work a company intends to do, vehicles should be selected that are appropriate for doing the job with continued efficiency and safety! Vacuum Trucks Sales