Dump Trucks

Dump trucks are used for a variety of materials. They are primarily used for transporting loose materials like sand or dirt. Construction companies use them widely for hauling gravel and other substances needed for jobs. Typically these trucks are equipped with hydraulics that operates the rising and lowering of the bed. This allows for the substances being also hauled to be deposited on the ground behind the truck once the bed is lifted.

Dump trucks began their ascent into the world in 1920 in Saint John, New Brunswick. Robert T. Mawhinney in this year attached a dump box to a flat bed truck and crafted a lifting device from a winch which attached to a cable. The operator of the truck merely had to turn a crank to lower and raise the dump box. Today's dump trucks have come along way since those days and are widely used all around the world for various tasks. Dump Truck Sales

A standard dump truck features a dump body that is mounted to the frame. It is a full truck chassis that has a hydraulic ram mounted toward the front of the cab and the body. The tailgate for standard dump trucks can either be configured to swing on hinges or with pneumatic rams that lift the gate open and raise it above the dump body. A standard model also has a short wheel base which makes it much more maneuverable than a higher capacity semi-trailer dump truck. Used Dump Trucks

Many manufacturers produce dump trucks. Some of the more popular manufacturers include Hino Motors, Nissan, Mitsubishi Fuso and Volvo. These manufacturers produce standard model trucks that are highly popular. If you are in need of a dump truck, you can purchase these new or used. The one main benefit of purchasing used models is cost. When you choose to buy a pre-owned truck you have the opportunity of saving potentially thousands of dollars over purchasing a new one. Many used models have prices as low as $10,000 or less while new models can reach more than $100,000. Purchasing used equipment such as these trucks offers you the ability to save money while still giving you the hauling power that you need. If you are planning to purchase a used truck, be sure that you obtain all the information about that particular truck that you can. If you are searching online, it is also a good idea to request photos and seek contact details from the seller in case you have additional questions about the truck that you are considering. Truck Sales